Technical SEO

Create a Strong Digital Foundation and Rank High on Search Results

What is Technical SEO and Why is it Important?

Technical SEO is the process of ensuring that your website becomes compliant with search engine guidelines so that it can be indexed without any problems. The main goal of a technical SEO audit is to assess the current SEO status of your site and determine which aspects you need to improve for a flawless online experience.

User requirements have changed significantly over the past period, and search engines have become far more sophisticated. Statistics show that there are now around 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide. Such a large increase in smartphone usage has prompted Google to activate an algorithm update that places more importance on site speed and site-friendliness for mobile viewing. If you comply with those requirements, you have a better chance of ranking better on search engines.

Websites with poor structure, slow page loading, and unusual redirects may be penalized. Without proper intervention, these technical SEO issues can lead to a sudden drop in the site’s search position, and therefore a significant drop in organic traffic. Considering that top organic search results get almost 35 out of every click, a drop in rankings is bad for business.

Technical SEO: Your First Step in Creating a Better Search Experience

The algorithm change has one goal: to provide the best possible user experience. To achieve this, you need to carefully understand what technical SEO is, what it entails, and how you can use a technical SEO audit to ensure that your site is compliant with search engine guidelines and other industry standards.

Technical on-page SEO includes several components, such as site responsiveness, fast mobile pages (AMP), robot exclusion standard (robots.txt), XML sitemap status, and content quality. These factors are critical to your website’s online performance. According to Google, a 10-second page load speedup can increase bounce rates by as much as 123 percent. A one-second delay in page load time on a mobile device can result in a 20% drop in conversion rate, an 11% drop in page views, and a 16% drop in user satisfaction. Those are very bad results!

Don’t wait for technical SEO issues to negatively affect your site’s standing. Invest in technical SEO for e-commerce, WordPress, and other content management systems (CMS) and save time and money.

Schedule a conversation with me and learn more about technical SEO.

Technical SEO Process

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Technical SEO Audit

I offer you a comprehensive SEO technical audit to identify and solve technical problems with your website’s SEO. The audit covers the most important checkpoints, including mobile compatibility, internal link structure, page speed, XML sitemap, indexing, crawl errors, robots.txt, and site architecture. Using the results of the analytics, I develop short-term and long-term solutions to enable the improvement of the visitor experience on the website and improve the ranking of your page on Google.


Competitor Analysis

What I can promise you is that you will get a complete overview of your competition’s optimization system and determine your conversion potential. You’ll get an evaluation of your competitor’s keyword performance, search engine rankings, social media presence, and technical backlink profile. These processes allow me to create strategies that will give you a clear advantage in your niche market.


Meta Data analysis

Improve online visibility and get more traffic by using meta tags that effectively describe your page content to web visitors and search engines. I will perform technical SEO for WordPress, which includes analyzing and optimizing your meta descriptions, titles, meta keywords, alt descriptions, and other important tags. In this way, I ensure that the misuse of metadata cannot seriously harm your SEO features.

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Image Optimization

Large images slow down your site’s performance and turn off page visitors. Reduce your site load time and drive more customers to your e-commerce site with technical SEO. I’ll choose the right file format, optimize your alt descriptions, reduce photo file sizes, use image sitemaps, and maximize plugins to optimize your illustrations.


Speed Optimization

Page responsiveness affects your page ranking and, more importantly, your customers’ online experience. I will optimize the size of all relevant files, and your code, reduce redirects and take advantage of all the possibilities to drastically reduce the response time of each page of your site.


Structured data markup

Make it easy for search engines to index, interpret, and display your content using schema markup. I highlight your page elements, assign data tags, create HTML, and add schema tags to your page. I use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to test your tags and diagnose any issues.


Keyword research

Keyword research is the foundation of your digital marketing strategy. Get insight into current industry trends and consumer behavior, as well as keyword usage on your site. I will study your niche and perform technical SEO corrections to determine your keyword rankings and optimize your web pages using the most up-to-date tools available on the market.


Backlink analysis


Penalty recovery

Google penalties can be the result of algorithm changes or technical SEO for the WordPress platform. To help you recover from a penalty, I use Google Search Console to identify what type of penalty is affecting your site, determine the necessary backlink strategies and actions, and resolve any issues Google has indexed. I’ll also check all your redirects to make sure they’re working as they should and aren’t causing any problems.


A Technical SEO that Gets Results

Increase your site’s performance and generate more organic traffic

Create Actionable SEO Strategies for A Winning Online Campaign


Detailed revisions of the website

The performance of your website is the result of the unique operation of various variables. I will perform all necessary site audits for technical SEO, paid campaigns, conversion rate optimization (CRO), backlink profile, and analytics and consider what and how the competition is doing. Thus, I bring adequate conclusions supported by concrete data and research.


Technical SEO experts

I am a certified Google SEO expert, overseeing your project from estimate to completion. I identify, plan and implement technical SEO recommendations based on up-to-date data on industry trends. This is how I ensure that my services deliver results.

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Full-Service SEO Solutions

Future-proof your website and achieve higher conversion rates with SEO solutions tailored to your brand. I provide technical SEO services for eCommerce, Shopify, Franchises, Amazon, and local businesses. I will fix everything that slows down the performance of your website, optimize the contents of the pages and display your brand so that it is suitable for indexing on search engines and display to online users.

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Analytics and Reporting

Track the performance of your SEO campaign and stay up-to-date with all online activity. I use state-of-the-art analytics to gather useful data and achieve desired results. Also, you can count on regular consultations and reports, so that you are informed at all times about the marketing potential, possible weaknesses, and everything that needs to be done.


Target-oriented web strategies

During the initial consultation, we determine and analyze your current status, marketing goals, and expectations. This way I ensure that all my SEO tactics are aligned with your expectations. Also, I use multiple distribution methods to increase leads and traffic to your site.

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Proven Track Record

I was able to find and fix multiple repetitive site issues by performing in-depth SEO technical audits and implementing results-based SEO strategies.

Ready To Dominate The First Page Of Google?

I am Ready To Begin The SEO Conversation For Your Website.