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Leading Businesses Behind the Closed Door


Aleksandar Stanić​

Top 1% Shopify Dropshipper in the world
zenq (1)

ZenQ Designs​

With an army of 450k Instagram followers, ZenQ Designs are interior design leaders


The most famous cosmetic brands in one web shop.


International blockchain, IT, dropshipping, design and management conference


On of Balkan's largest wellness construction and eCommerce companies

Irgot Tools

A company that sells agricultural tools.

Mario Pilar​

One of the most visited online magazines for women in the Blakans.

Guaranteed Software

Software company with over 12 years of existence.

Guaranteed Marketing

A young marketing agency with which I have been working for over 2 years.


Online Portal – Health Niche

Client Results - Google Search Console Organic Medical Niche
Client Medical Niche - Google Analytics Organic Visits

Supplement Niche


Growing a niche business with an e-commerce SEO strategy

The subject of this analysis is a company that sells supplements via e-commerce. We cannot say that it is an absolutely original and uniquely selected business, which only complicates the complete situation and position on the market. The supplement industry is profitable, but very competitive, which is just another challenge.

That is why the fight for more positions on Google is difficult and complex. The company I promised business improvement to isn’t sure how to achieve it, while social media and search engine ad sales are limited due to strict advertising regulations imposed by companies like Google, Facebook, and others. So, it is not a pleasant situation, and the people employed in the company were expecting results in the desire to recover the invested funds and achieve the expected earnings.

At my suggestion, we decided on SEO, although such a solution is rarely applied in these situations. Supplement companies are becoming more aware of the importance of SEO and realizing the need to capture as large a percentage of the market as possible. This is possible in a conventional way, so it is necessary to apply all the skills of doing business on the Internet, marketing knowledge, and creativity.

If your competitor is in the first position of Google, it is logical that they will have an increase in the number of visits and CTRs (clicks). That’s why we can say the following – relevant clicks are directly related to increasing income. And SEO offers you exactly that – an increase in visits, i.e. profits. But only if it’s done the right way.

What was crucial was to adapt the SEO strategy to this particular business. Every company is unique and should be approached uniquely. No situation is even similar, let alone the same as any other. That’s why I took into account website optimization, content publishing, removing harmful links, then implementing an internal linking strategy, a clear backlink scheme, and more. I did thorough keyword research and analyzed the position of competitors as well as the volume of search that was going directly to them.

It is important to note that targeting only high-volume keywords in an industry that relies heavily on SEO is not the best solution. In this way, a counter effect can be achieved and visitors/customers can be sent directly to competing companies. So, in the first place, I focused on optimizing the site for long-term keywords as well. In this way, I get the opportunity to increase the organic reach and, therefore, the income of the company.

Some of the SEO processes I have implemented are meta-title and description optimization, on-page optimization, backlink audit, influencer outreach, guest post campaigns (guest-authors), infographic campaigns, PR (including HARO outreach), disavow of harmful links, keyword research, optimization of website structure, optimization of content, correction of cannibalized keywords, optimization of meta-tags, optimization of H tags, internal linking, optimization of site responsiveness and its compatibility with all devices, it was their turn more basic web data, E-A-T (expertise, authority, trust), snippet optimization and more.

Wondering what the results were? It only took a few weeks to show the first results, through organic visits that increased by as much as 200%! I also want to mention that after eight months of working on this website, an increase in daily visits from 20 to an almost unbelievable 800 was achieved. Now this company is one of the 10 most influential in the supplement industry. The key is to work better, smarter, and faster than the competition, to achieve almost unbelievable results. The road to it is difficult, but when you work with an expert, nothing is a problem. Not even catching up and overtaking the competition in the most elegant way possible.

This is just one example. I was also hired by clients from other dams, with different problems and goals. Although the results and how they are achieved are never identical, common to each situation is that the set goals have been achieved.

Each company significantly improved its position with search engines, and therefore the number of clients – or should we say revenue? With a proper SEO strategy and patience, the goal can be reached without any problems and losses. Funds invested in online positioning return very quickly and bring (un)expected profit! Check it out!

Nenad Radakovic - SEO client medical niche- organic traffic results

Dropshipping – E-commerce (USA / Worldwide)


In the field of interior design, I designed the appropriate marketing strategy for a successful online store. This strategy includes SEO and content marketing. Here I present a list of SEO tasks carried out:

  • I re-optimized tracking keywords for all products in the shop. I have taken into account all the relevant data that are important for monitoring the condition of the product.
  • With the help of the Google Search Console application, I checked the indexing of the URL of each product, as well as the date of the last indexing.
  • Using the Ahrefs tool, I checked the keywords that each product started to rank for in search engines.
  • I recorded the SV (Search Volume) parameters, in other words, the average monthly number of searches for a specific product and the KD (Keyword Difficulty) level of ranking difficulty for a given keyword.
  • I created a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for each product by conducting a survey of questions asked by customers for each product.
  • I implemented the redirection of all URLs with http code 404 detected. New URLs that had long and inadequate product names were designed and redirected by me. I’ve created a table that keeps a clear record of all the old URLs that have been redirected to the new ones.
  • I completed a full SEO audit with ranked potentials and problems by priority.
  • I finished the complete work on inserting title tags (TT) and meta description (MD) on the site. All old title tags (TT) that were over 60 characters have been replaced with new shorter versions. Also, TT and MD have been added for collections and blogs. Also, old MDs (with too few or more than 155 characters) have been replaced with new MDs, as well as those that are missing.


When it comes to marketing written content, these are the following items that I have implemented:

  • For each product in the store, I designed a quality text in English, taking care to optimize it and respond to search engine queries.
  • I suggested that the posts be enriched with visuals that show modern products from the store with an attractive assortment. In this way, the Instagram community has visibly improved interaction and communication with the brand.
  • I created relevant content that I regularly published and shared on social media and blog posts. With this, I achieved significantly higher brand visibility and improved purchasing and increased interest in the promotion of many products.
  • On the Instagram profile, I worked on defining KPI metrics and developed a strategy to increase site visits and conversions.


Client results - Organic traffic and website visits
Client Results - Google Search Console
Client Results - Google Analytics Organic Traffic
webiz digital marketing coference
digital marketing conference webiz

Project Management

Webiz Festival

During 2021, I was actively committed to establishing a clearer organizational framework for the Webiz platform. With the new operational way of working, I enabled the mission of this educational brand to continue. In this way, I led to higher productivity among human resources, which resulted in better cooperation between members of the Webiz team.

webiz conference organization
webiz conference venue organization

The description of the page related to the courses is presented in the most representative way on the site, as well as the page that represents the conference, or more recently, the festival format.

For the needs of further online courses, I designed a new offer of content and topics, and I was involved in the selection of festival speakers from both abroad and from the public media service, and I also influenced the selection of festival topics.

An SEO backlink campaign was also launched and successfully implemented, with which we came to a large number of media-online portals. PR announcements were published on important portals such as Blic, RTS and others.

Through social networks, the Webiz platform, you can follow all posts related to blog posts as well as festival posts for the specified period.

Through my efforts, for the needs of the Webiz.edu site, important innovations were made that led to better optimization of the site, and they relate to the HUB section. Namely, Webiz provided its followers with the opportunity to get better acquainted with the most current topics in the era of digitalization through blog content.

I note that all the blog posts I created were successfully ranked. I would like to point out that I was also engaged in conducting copywriting for the needs of the Webiz festival (Newsletter, Full Social for social networks, electronic correspondence with lecturers, etc.)

webiz conference - re-connection

Some tools I Use to get Data driven results


Ahrefs - advanced level

I use it for technical SEO and backlink analysis, but also for keyword mapping and tracking. Also, I successfully apply it for reporting purposes, as well as for the development of content gap and backlinking gap strategies.


SEMRush - advanced level

I use it for keyword research and mapping, with occasional use for competition research and content gap. A platform that is applicable more for different analyzes of the regional market because it has more relevant data related to keywords.

majestic logo

Majestic - advanced level

An indispensable platform for backlink auditing, and for developing backlink strategies. Trust and Citation Flow help me a lot to see the status of certain domains, and I also use Majestic to see which categories certain sites belong to.

screaming frog logo

Screaming Frog - advanced level

I start each audit with this platform because it allows me to integrate it with Google Analytics, and Search Console, define problems with Page Speed insight, to connect with Majestic and Ahrefs. There is also the option of integration with the Moz platform, which I use less.


AI platforms for written content

I am currently exploring the potential of different platforms that offer content writing with AI. Although it is speculated that the Core update from May this year hit the sites that used the content obtained with the help of these platforms the most, my research shows that this type of development strategy has potential with the application of certain checks.

Page Optimizer Pro and SEOSurfer

I mostly use these platforms to check the optimization of various content, as well as for suggestions of the technical part that needs to be applied to a particular page.


Google Keyword Planner

Research of keywords and their demand. I also use Google Ads to define the best meta subtitles and meta descriptions.

Google Natural Language Process

Google Natural Language Process

A very complex tool that helps me to give suggestions to the content team, to define the readability of texts (according to Google), and to determine the entities to which a particular page belongs.

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